Our Investors

FINCA Microfinance Holding Company LLC (FMH) is a socially-responsible investment (SRI) partnership that owns and operates 14 microfinance institutions and banks on four continents.

FMH’s investors own a network of subsidiaries that provides responsible financial services to low-income individuals and their communities, helping people to build assets, create jobs and raise their standard of living. We operate our microfinance network to achieve sustainability while maximizing social impact. The SRI model holds true to our social impact mission while relying on commercial principles to deliver sustainable financial results and ensure institutional stability during times of stress. Long-term financial sustainability ensures FMH’s ability to continue expanding financial inclusion to those who can benefit from it.

FMH’s majority shareholder is FINCA International, Inc. a Washington, D.C.-based not-for-profit organization, while KfW holds a minority share.  The FMH partnership brings capital, financial leverage and business acumen to FINCA Impact Finance’s microfinance operations. This is especially important as the microfinance landscape evolves to include new technologies and new expectations from clients, regulators and other stakeholders. Since 2011, increased access to capital has helped FMH expand lending, leverage funding from capital markets, and transform many of FINCA Impact Finance’s microfinance subsidiaries into licensed financial institutions that offer a full range of essential financial services.