About Us

FINCA Impact Finance delivers the tools needed for low-income entrepreneurs and small businesses to achieve financial health. Our 7,000+ staff, 2,000 proprietary agents, and 55,000 third-party agents live and work in the communities we serve. For 40 years, our microfinance banks and institutions have delivered a double bottom line of social impact and financial sustainability.

Our Purpose

To be an unconventional community-based bank that profitably and responsibly provides innovative and impactful financial services to enable low-income individuals and communities to invest in their futures.

Our Vision

A world in which all people have the opportunity to leverage their wisdom, talent and effort to determine their own destiny.

Our Mission

FINCA ends poverty through sustainable and scalable solutions inspired by the insights and needs of people in the communities where they live and work.

About Us


FINCA Impact Finance is a worldwide network of microfinance banks and institutions that offer innovative, responsible and impactful financial services to low-income clients.

Our products empower people to take control of their financial futures and build their financial health. We are leveraging technology to deliver services faster, with reduced costs on our clients’ phones, and around the corner from where they live.

Learn more about our history.