showing 196 results

Maria V. Vilela

Maria V. Vilela Vice President & General Counsel Maria Vilela oversees legal and governance functions for FINCA Impact Finance worldwide.  She has extensive expertise in banking and regulatory compliance, cross-border

January 18, 2024

FINCA Impact Finance Appoints Jeff Flowers as New CEO

“Almost 40 years ago, FINCA’s founders dedicated themselves to fighting poverty through the power of microfinance, promising greater opportunity around the world,” Jeff said. “Together, we will continue to deliver on that pledge. It is a privilege to rejoin FINCA and to carry forward the work of this great institution.” — Jeff Flowers, Incoming FINCA Impact Finance CEO

November 27, 2023

Q&A with New FIF CEO Jeff Flowers

Q&A with New FIF CEO Jeff Flowers Jeff Flowers Jeff Flowers spent 17 years at FINCA, first as Country Director in Azerbaijan and later as Vice President and Regional Director

November 21, 2023

Q & A With a Village Banking Officer

Q & A With a Village Banking Officer   This article first appeared on FINCA International’s website. For families in Guatemala, poverty is an all-too-common reality where even basic essentials like

October 3, 2023

Financial Literacy in Zambia

Financial Literacy in Zambia     This article was originally published on FINCA International’s website. To promote financial inclusion and improve economic opportunities for unbanked women, FINCA held a training on

September 22, 2023

Christopher Laurent

Christopher Laurent Chief Financial Officer Christopher Laurent manages FINCA’s global finance team and brings three decades of experience in domestic and international financial services and development finance. He possesses extensive

June 17, 2022
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